Yes a cadence and rhythm veering into the unfamiliar can be disconcerting. “The drum beats out of time” Cyndi Lauper! I had my own “what’s that ticking noise” kind of moment this week, something that had been bugging me for weeks. And I finally got on my hands and knees and troubleshooted and fixed it myself. So for me that idea resulted in a feeling of self sufficiency! Which is important given where we are in our lives right now, with the planned cross country move and etc. these journal prompts resonate with me Amy, I’d like to make a plan to sit down with them this week. Happy spring, I hope you have some bright greens popping up. We do, it’s been very bracing.

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Ahh...my Sunday dose of Amy! I marvel at how your writings meander, like waving a magnet over the sea floor, you pick up weighty bits from all over and somehow manage to attach them to a single thread or common theme.

I hope the hinky blinker light was a quick and inexpensive fix. Good on you for sussing that out!

You sent me on a rabbit trail (no Easter Bunny pun intended) with palimpsest. If I've ever run across the word before, I'd forgotten it entirely. From Greek: palin: again -- and psestos: to rub smooth. I think that is a suitable word for my whole life. Always, the reconsidering, reinventing, trying and trying again over top of the last lessons.

And the deliciousness of this one part of the quote from Suzanne Clark: "as if the trees were dreaming green dreams or thinking green thoughts..."

It's time for tea now while thinking about how I wish I could have asked my mother what I did on my 10th and 20th birthdays. I can remember the other decades, but not that one. So, ask now if you want to remember that kind of thing. :)

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Mar 31Liked by Amy Cowen

*Technical Note Only*

Hi Amy — It sounds like you’re experimenting with outreach and I wanted to let you know about some odd Substack behavior on my end.

Today’s essay is not showing up in my Substack app — neither in my inbox nor under your account. I can get there ONLY if I click through from your email invitation — first to Substack website and from there on to the app. But before I went in via email I assumed you were skipping a week….

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Mar 31Liked by Amy Cowen

*Content Note*

Palimpsest. Marvelous metaphor and thing-in-itself. Love the idea of just letting layers be, rather than forever interrogating parallels. An exercise in that (one that may be of particular interest to you, given your wonderful experiments with line, color, and graphic storytelling): Richard McGuire’s “Here.” Lush. Maddening. Clever. Heartbreaking. At least worth a look. It’s easy and somehow soothing after the palpable anxiety of racing blinkers.

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Apr 4Liked by Amy Cowen

I remember hearing the fast blinking signal and being thrown off a bit until I figured out what it meant. (Cars are not my area of expertise at all!) The rapid sound has a bit of a panicky feel to it…and I can be prone to a bit of panic now and then… My husband pointed out yesterday that I have a headlight out. I had no idea. I feel like I should get a signal for that? I should also know better how to turn my high beams on and off…but I don’t drive very often and almost never at night.

I just clicked on the link in the email to get to the post. I have been reading in the app. It seems like a nice app (and it was a treat to hear your voice in this one), but I am still learning my way around it.

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Apr 7Liked by Amy Cowen

I used the journal reflection prompts tonight. I’ve managed to journal every day, mostly writing with some stickers, for the 100 day project - day 49 complete!

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