I hope you are enjoying Wolf Hall! I think it took me a while get into and then I loved it and devoured the rest of the trilogy. It inspired me to read “a world lit by fire” as well. It’s hard to imagine life in those days as “real” but Hillary Mantel did such a great job humanizing the historic figures. I’m enjoying Sidewalk Oracles, and enjoying another book I am reading “pathogenisis” - a kind of update on “guns, germs, and steel.” We have a lot of big life decisions coming up this spring and there is something comforting about reading and thinking about civilizations and world history in that context.

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I definitely didn’t plan on reading Wolf Hall, but I’m glad I started it. I’m intrigued. These slow reads are interesting because so often you just want to race ahead. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it. You are always surprising me with what you’ve read! I started A Psalm for the Wild-Build yesterday, too, by the way, on your recommendation. — I hope the upcoming big decisions are lining up in ways that make sense and that you all feel optimistic about.

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Yes I agree the wolf hall books absolutely pace you into experiencing the fictional world in a different way. Lovely about starting the monk and robot book, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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In my cup this morning was iced peppermint coffee.

Pristine, brilliant (inspired by a new blanket of snow)

Life is wonderful and mysterious. A constant conundrum of lovely chaos.

I want to “draw” some clay stamps. To use in future projects.

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"A constant conundrum of lovely chaos." I am pretty sure this would be the title of my memoir. :)

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Iced on a cold morning. Intense! I love these words. Thank you. And the chaos…. Very nice. I used a Jung quote last week on chaos in my journal…. It was a wonderful moment to see your chaos words here…. And lovely chaos…. That’s lovely, indeed. I hope you have fun with the stamps!

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Or -- Hello? Or -- Hello. The punctuation changes things.

An H-word I didn't feel ready to put to the page last week. It serves as my reminder to be curious, to avoid jumping to conclusions. Hello, whatever you are. Have me met before? How are you? Why have you come?

Amy, I'm curious about your birds and look forward to learning more about what they seem to want to tell you. I wonder if size is any indicator of whether they are ravens (24"+) or crows (18"). I wonder if you're seeing both. I wonder if it matters.

Thank you for linking to Chicken Scratch. I'm always pleased and always a little surprised when that happens. And thank you for asking how we approach a new publication here. My vote is going to show up as starting from now and moving forward, but that's not entirely accurate. I was actually hoping I could click more than one (a silly expectation, I know), so I clicked the first choice. Then I couldn't go back to change it. So, for me, it's all three, depending on how I came across the person.

What strikes me most about this essay is your opening few lines: "We could be friends, you and I. I like to think we could be friends. I like to think in some alternate space, I am a person worthy of having a friend." They were statements, all of them. Affirmations. Truths. Yes. That boy with his crown and his cape and his dragons. 🐉

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Thank you, Elizabeth…. Statements and affirmations, truth and punctuation, a crown, a cape, and a dragon. Hello! I totally agree that punctuation changes so much. Crows and ravens….. I know the size matters…. Probably if I saw them side by side, it would be clear! Seeing everyone’s comments has made me aware that I tucked away some of the marginalia…. I think of these differently…. they are surprising me right now though. — I appreciate your comments on how you read someone newly discovered. I probably do that, too…. Sometimes I dig a bit…. Sometimes just a few though. Usually we have missed so much when we pick up someone that we just move ahead. It’s something I’ve always pondered with a very old podcast. Have a good week!

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I look forward to what you share about your symbols as those meanings reveal themselves to you.

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Firstly, I do consider you a friend (I am sure I am not the only one), thus...you are worthy (I know it's not that simple).

This morning I had a vanilla iced coffee. Perhaps not the best choice for 23 degrees (I can find the degree symbol on my phone, but I have no idea how to do it on my keyboard), but I can't actually remember the last time I had hot coffee. I did drag out my handy pour over contraption, then realized I had no kettle....I was forced (ha!) to purchase one from amazon, and it should arrive today!

I chose words that I would consider compliments: quick-witted, trustworthy, imaginative

I practice having having an open heart as I seek to develop meaningful connections in life.

Having read today's post, I really want to draw ravens and crows.

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thank you, Laura. Iced! You and Michelle! But always iced? Oh my. The sensation of the hot is likely what I enjoy most about coffee. Interesting. Wonderful affirmation. As for the drawing…. Funny to see this now and know I threw penguins in the mix today for everyone to draw - and you did so awesomely!

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I go back to as many posts as I can and find time to read when I find someone new to "get to know" them because I feel more inclined to read and be interested in their continued writing if I know them a bit. Love about-pages for example.

Have you written a presentation of yourself Amy, on here? I'd love to learn more about you & your background in writing & life so far. ❤

Another fun idea is to create a "best of" post with your most read posts OR the ones you like best yourself or the ones that you think most represent your writing style? I think that you could pin it to the top as well, for future reference.

Are you in both read-alongs of Simon? I jumped on War & Peace!! 😮🎉🥳

Have a great week!

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Thank you, Hanna. I appreciate the feedback. A collection of some of my favorites or highlights is what I’m working on now - I think those kinds of posts can be helpful maps (and helpful for us to do in terms of looking at our own work, too).

I am doing both read alongs. I started with War & Peace, and then I read Simon’s Week 1 notes on Wolf Hall and was intrigued and decided to jump in and see how it goes. Enjoying both! (I am especially enjoying W&P! I hope you are, too.)

I hope you, too, have a good week.

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Catching up with the crew after a week of the flu. I am going to read Sidewalk Oracles with you! Grabbing it on Kindle to join along shortly. I have seen a Jungian Analyst for 7 years now. He wrote a book called Living Myth which is very much about playing in the liminal between objective consciousness and getting completely absorbed with things to the point there is no difference between I and subject. That in between he calls symbolic consciousness, full of play and meaning making.

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I hope you are feeling much better, Emily. That’s very interesting about your experience with Jung. I’ll be interested to see what you think of this book. It may end up feeling similar to practices you already have, but sometimes, new exercises and a community doing things in similar time and space can give new wings. I’m glad you’ll be reading along!

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Your bird questions made me think of another bird that gets confused with those around here--the grackle. They have a really interesting sound! I’m pretty sure here in my part of Texas we don’t get the crows but I saw crow feathers on the ground in WY, and was amazed at how big they were! Grackles swarm the parking lots around here.

I had hot Vanilla Chai in my cup today--a real treat! I generally don’t go to the trouble of anything but water for my mornings.




I want to draw a pattern this week. Actually, that video you shared on Instagram Stories about the random “moment” of convergence being a series of decisions was so inspiring. I might do a mini version of that!

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I meant to also include that I was Sidewalk curious 👀 So I ordered the book used and it just came this week. It wasn’t available through my library. I’ll try to play catch up today and at home on the holiday tomorrow. I’m also listening to Life in Five Senses (Rubin) which has been an encouragement to pay attention to the smells and sounds all around me.

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I think you’ll find it easy to catch up. And this week and next are very short. I’ll be interested to see what you think. (I think I saw you’ve left a comment, so I’m heading there next.)

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Oh very interesting…. I don’t think I’ve seen a grackle before! I am glad the chai was good. I can’t wait to see what you do with pattern. That reel I shared was really interesting…. Interesting to hear the commentary and mesmerizing to watch. I loved that it felt like it connected a bit to the things we’ve all be thinking about talking about. Have fun exploring!

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I’m in Texas too, and the grackles are definitely overwhelming. I would so much rather have crows and ravens!

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Coffee - always coffee in the morning. Right now - Pinot Grigio. A former coworker and his wife rescued African Grey Parrots. They had one bird that in the morning would mimic the sound of a spoon clinking as it stirred in a cup. (I am sure that bird would be a coffee drinker too.) This coworker also told stories about how smart the Corvid birds were. He was a big fan of crows. Your post made me think of them. Your posts always make my thoughts wander around a bit. I like that. I wish you a good week!

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Yes to coffee in the morning! But it’s good to have time of day picks! That’s interesting about the parrots. I read an unusual graphic novel last year called I, Parrot that comes to mind. I think there must have been mention of the grays. Thank you for reading and for your kind words. I have a few AJs in my family, so every time I see your initials, I smile. I wish you a good week as well.

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You had me at ravens and crows and comic book cairns. Then friendship and Prufrock banged into me and I thought: I should just call her. We should have coffee. Madness. That’s what’s in my cup today.

Notes in folds of time or text made me think of other breadcrumbs (more appropriate for art-loving introverts):

- That artist who leaves incredible book sculptures to be discovered (or not) in Scottish libraries


- And the mysterious missives that fall from books (or Book) in Ruth Ozeki’s Book of Form and Emptiness.

- And maybe even the interleaved libraries in Anthony Doerr’s Cloud Cuckoo Land.

All are about — like your work, it seems to me, in its many modes — (inter)connection. Order and serendipity. Words, books, art. Signs and symbols. Community.

All explore unexpected juxtapositions via notes from other realities. Thanks for yours.

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Once again you caught me off-guard this week…. Not tonight…. I read it earlier, seeing it at just a moment where it cut right through. Thank you and thank you for the mystery, always. The Scottish libraries artist is amazing. Wow. Can you imagine stumbling over one of those when you pulled a book from a shelf? Thank you for that url. I haven’t read the Ozeki or Cloud Cuckoo Land. Adding them both to my list. (Both do seem right up my alley.) Thank you for your ability to summarize my words from a distance….. it is amazing, really. Comic cairns…. That is stunning. I’m going to have to play with that now, for sure. That’s a gift.

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Yes I like to think if we ever met in person we would be friends. Right now though you are someone who brings thoughtfulness, beauty and encouragement into my life and that's pretty special.

Cup has been Hazelnut latte but also a warm snuggly spiced chai latte earlier in the day. I want to draw but time is getting away from me. My daughter gets married on Friday and things are busy.

My reading at the moment is pretty concentrated on books that support my word of the year. Been a busy day ticking off the chores and appointments, sorting through old jewellery with my daughter and mending some hand knitted blankets. Tomorrow I have a whole day at home 💜. Thinking of you my friend

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Lisa! I hope the wedding is beautiful and that you are able to fully enjoy it and, I’m sure, ALL the feelings that must swirl around such a day. I am sure it will be beautiful. Congratulations to everyone. And thank you for your kind words.

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Yes I like to think if we ever met in person we would be friends. Right now though you are someone who brings thoughtfulness, beauty and encouragement into my life and that's pretty special.

Cup has been Hazelnut latte but also a warm snuggly spiced chai latte earlier in the day. I want to draw but time is getting away from me. My daughter gets married on Friday and things are busy.

My reading at the moment is pretty concentrated on books that support my word of the year. Been a busy day ticking off the chores and appointments, sorting through old jewellery with my daughter and mending some hand knitted blankets. Tomorrow I have a whole day at home 💜. Thinking of you my friend

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Just coffee with a bit of milk and sugar in my cup this morning...and every morning. Good old standby, there for the first step in the daily routine. I continue to enjoy your digital drawings, and I have always loved your bird drawings, whatever type they are! Speaking of reading posts, I enjoy the listening feature on Substack, even though it is not nearly as wonderful as your voice. I listen several times, and also read through. When I comment later in the week it is after revisiting quite a few times. It feels like spending time with a friend which is how I think of you, a friend who also likes to make art, and has a way of gathering kind, supportive, art friends and good people around together. ☺️

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Well…. Beyond that I am touched by your words, I am also curious. You are seeing a “read it” option? (I’ve heard people talk about this, but it isn’t available to everyone, and I just assumed it wasn’t on mine. I’m going to have to take another look and see (or hear)!) I do sometimes marvel at the wonderful people in these small spaces. I’m so glad you are a part of them!

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Hmmmm I don’t see a “read it” option. It looks like there is an orange dot next to any posts I haven’t read in my Inbox, but that’s all I can find about what is read or unread. Still figuring out my way around here a bit.

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I found it. There is a small play button showing at the top of posts that is the "read it" option (the text-to-speech). It's not there in the browser, only in the app. I just hadn't noticed it before. I'm glad you mentioned it!

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Oh yes, I guess I misunderstood what you meant! I was looking for an icon that said it was read (past tense) when you are done. 😂 I do like the option to play it as well as read it.

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I just wanted to say hello. Hello! I miss you, and your creations, and t is good to be here and see you, though I can't see you, I can SEE you. HEEELLLLOOOOOO!

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Thank you for reading and commenting, Sarah. I hope things are well for you in this new year.

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