Lonely, unfortunately. My word for last year was health, and I didn't make much headway, so that one is sticking around. I did things that have improved my mental health, but I need to invest some energy into my physical health. Perhaps "connect"? Milo and I went to the January meeting of the local zine group yesterday. The location changed and it is now at a much hipper, but less convenient space. Figuring out parking is going to take some thinking. Everything about the experience made me feel like a country mouse in the big city, but paying $12 for parking was the biggest surprise. I invited one of my substack friends (who I had not met in the flesh previously) and they were able to attend as well! I hit three categories of connecting - with my kid, with a fellow artist, and with the group.

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That’s impressive! I’m excited to hear you have connected with a substack writer AND that you went again to this local group AND met up with someone for the first time. The parking cost is a drag, but I’m glad you went. I can see “connect” being a good word for a year. Thanks for reading, Laura. I always figure the first comment is the most risky, too, so I appreciate it.

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I must be oblivious to the risk of commenting first. You know me, I can ramble on in a comment section!

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I had CONNECT as a word a few years ago and really enjoyed it. Would be a good one to revisit.

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First off, I love that you're moving slowly and deliberately. Second off, I appreciate the reminder that it's okay for all of us to do that. We took our younger daughter to the airport yesterday. She made it back to Australia (24+ hours later), and now the house is oddly quiet. We've been staying up later than usual, sleeping later than usual, I haven't chosen a word, haven't started any projects (well, save for one I had hoped to have done before Christmas -- does that count?), but I was very drawn, recently, to the concept of all that I don't know. That section of this piece felt like reading the inside of my own head!

Mackesy's book is a treasure. So is your now-blooming amaryllis. Wow.

You might appreciate this, shared with me by a friend from high school the other day, who was prompted to do so because of me and the parking lot stranger seeing the clouds together on New Year's Eve.


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Pre-Christmas project counts.... Of course it counts. What is the change in year other than a change in number. That's all. I do sympathize with the quiet. I know that kind of quiet (I'm sure we all do). I hope the visit was good, and I know you will be settling into your own routines again.

I really love your friend's sky project..... that's 365 days of sky.... really beautiful and amazing. Thank you for sharing that.

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The sky project was that of Margaret Renkle's (Comfort of Crows) brother, Billy. I listened to the book on audio so didn't realize he was the one who illustrated it.


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My word is joy and it just came at me end of November when I wasn’t even thinking of it. I think I will need it.

I’m finding it hard to start the year with the impending changes to our government and the unknown of how much/how significant the changes will be to our lives. Everyday as it comes…

Off to read the postcard post (I don’t understand the inconsistency of Substack emails 🥴).

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I totally understand how things feel out of sorts right now.... and "joy" is a really fierce word of optimism to try and hold in this moment. I applaud that.

As for the emails.... it's not you. I try to make sure I only send once a week -- so I posted the postcard one without emailing it, knowing it would be linked in this post. I truly apologize for any confusion.

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Ah ha! Mystery solved!!

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I started my annual gratitude project! It runs from early January to mid February and has become a rewarding meditation on the way into my birthday each year.

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I love the timing of that, Lauren! That sounds like a good way to start a year AND to lead into a birthday.

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I love seeing the whole month of morning light illustrated! Inspires me to try something like this❤️

I think my word of the year might be MAGIC . Still deciding though 🫠

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Thank you for the nice words about the daily project. Yes, you can!

And MAGIC can be a wonderful word. I'm excited FOR you if you hold it for a year.

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I appreciate this message of not having to be part of the race, of it being ok to slow down, to carve out space to just be. I also enjoyed seeing your capturing of light, and your photos, and thinking of a squirrel who seems to have a daily routing of running across your front porch in the morning. I don’t have a word right now, and my project is trying to finish this current client project. I would like to get into my sketchbook (I am always inspired by all the illustrated week pages I see) but I guess with my creative work I’m in a bit of a race to finish right now so that is where my drawing time is going for the time being. Thinking of you this week with the goodbyes that have and will happen, and the importance of those quiet routines.

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Thank you, Erin. I always appreciate your reading and your comments and your supportive words. I think it must feel different for you as a full-time artist trying to also balance out what you do for yourself or in your free time. I know the book you are working on right now is going to be beautiful. Wishing you luck with the forward movement of that project.

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