Dec 10, 2023Liked by Amy Cowen

Three things I see - amaryllis just starting to sprout, watering cans (3) from my collection, a beautiful bird cage.

Definitely moon.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Amy Cowen

A dog at my feet, a laundry basket to empty, my grocery list on the chair arm. Always moon.

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I see my iPad, perched precariously on my art table, paused to focus on this post, and I feel calm.

I see my journal, spread wide, wet watercolor drying, and I feel calm.

I see the kittens, finally curled up and napping, and I feel calm.

P.s. yes on the buddy read

I think about the moon, white light competing with the new streetlights, and I feel calm.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Amy Cowen

I see:

Our Christmas tree full of birds, flowers and fairies with a gnome on top.

A caravan of three jeeps each with a very small trailer driving by.

Clouds low, white and light blue elongated over the mountains.

Thank you for your post.🌙

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This is a post I needed today. I’ve been feeling like things are sliding away from me... time I’ve allocated for art and goal achievement lost to the boring tasks of everyday life. And, yes, it certainly does create a sense of time speeding up. One of my favorite CMP months was the April lists we did (how many years ago? Ha!). Every now and then I do pull it out and look through it, cringing at some and smiling at others. Lists. Lists might be a good way to reclaim some time and mental space.

Right now I’m seeing the Christmas tree lit up, a half eaten blueberry muffin and a happy birthday sign.

Thank you for the suggestion of lists.

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Bananas in the fruit bowl, the cases for my reading glasses, a handmade coffee mug.

I am feeling boggled by rabbit holes and technology.

I really appreciate the reminders in this post and I had glimmers today.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Amy Cowen

3 things I see:

I see my heavy tan dog with her head laying across my ankle.

My striped bedspread that gave me such joy when it was brand new.

My floral sweatshirt that I got when my mom was cleaning out her closet.

Thinking: My ankle really needs to move-- but this doggie is so sweet, I’ll stay uncomfortable for her a little while longer. I can’t wait to dive back into this book I’m reading tonight.

Feeling: Comfortable

Stars! ⭐️

I have a small 3-4 foot tree that has my star ornaments on it. I have been buying them for years. I did not set it up this year because of this teenage cat! But it’s my favorite thing, usually. I think next year I’ll be able to do it! I was able to set up the big tree-- no ornaments-- and I’m trying to train her to behave. We’ll see!

Thanks again for your writing! I look forward to it every Sunday. I still didn’t pull out the nutcrackers this weekend, But I’m thinking about you when I do.

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My swirling galaxy light on the ceiling, my warm blanket, and the soft glow of my phone in the dim light. Stars! ✨️⭐️

Thanks so much for sharing my post - I appreciate it. 😊

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Also, I want to read the Symbols book, too!

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Amy, I just happened to check Sidewalk Oracles out of the library about a week ago. I have it on my Kindle. I love Robert Moss but have been unable to read large chunks of him at a time. Maybe reading with you would help me along.

Things I see: the little 15 drawer card catalog that used to be in a school library, and that I am torn about having to sell when I move back home. 2 Reflection of lamps in the windows. 3 My quilt squares stuck to the batting I stuck on the wall.

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That Botton excerpt on the click through was so great Amy, thanks for the tip. Definitely echoes the benefit of daily creativity and illustrated journaling!

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A few of you here have mentioned you might be interested in reading Sidewalk Oracles (by Robert Moss) together. I am really looking forward to this - and happy that Ada suggested it to me a few weeks ago.

I have the book checked out from the library, and while it’s not a huge book (about 230 pages), I’m not sure it’s a book you want to “rush” through. There are a number of elements in the book that are (can be) actionable. I’ve gone through and looked at a tentative schedule that would put the first chapter completion the first week of January. (That’s a few weeks out because many of us will be busy in the coming weeks with family, end-of-year things, etc.) — I don’t want to make a full “post” right now about this, but I might send out an email separately to those who are thinking they might be interested. Right now, that included Trish, Laura, and Fran. (Tagging people in the comment isn’t working.) Anyone else who is interested, just let me know.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Amy Cowen

Three things:

My feet wearing colourful hand knit socks, resting on a stool.

The interesting paper dolls of Zelda Fitzgerald on the cover of the book that I look forward reading.

The Christmas tree that seems more beautiful than ever and thinking that I say that every year :)



I am intrigued by the book for the read along. I might join if I can get the book from the library.

I often forget how helpful it is to list positive things. Thank you for the reminder

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Whimsical meandering that can offset the endless realities…I love that. I think I have also been a whimsical meanderer, at times stepping out of realities and into a bit of magicalness. It can be a powerful and much needed reprieve, I think. I love the “appreciating” drawing too. Also powerful.

Three things I see right now: 1. (speaking of data that trails behind us) the progress bar on my computer as I backup all my photos and art on an external drive to free up my computer for creating more, 2. the puff of fur of a small sleeping dog who really needs a bath, 3. a chunk of the Christmas tree with ornaments I have not drawn this week but still want to. I will. I will draw one right now!

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