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Turquoise (tur-kwahz), attitude, angel, assemblage.

I look at my phone before I get out of bed every single day. πŸ˜” I tell myself it's because my mother is elderly and lives alone, so I check to make sure that there are no calls I've missed from her. But it's also to feed my secret dopamine addiction. What have I missed in the online worlds??

I like writing morning pages. More than anything else, it's just my quiet time. I usually play quiet classical or jazz music and just write and sip coffee. But I'm on again off again with the practice. I'm not a morning person in any way, shape, or form. Most work days, I wake up with barely the slice of time required to turn on the coffee maker, throw on some clothes, and log into work. πŸ˜• I've tried so many times to force myself to bed earlier, to wake sooner, to change this nasty habit, but mornings are very difficult for me. They always have been. I'm trying to accept that I'm just a night person and that it's ok, but it feels awful to constantly wake up feeling dragged directly to the desk.

Thanks, as always, for your lovely writing to start my Sunday. πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ©·

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I know the roll out of bed, make coffee, log in routine (no matter what time it is) very well, so I hear you. I’ve gotten better about delaying that β€œstart.” If you can find the bit of time, it (morning) can be really nice.... sounds like you DO have it when you do your pages with music and coffee. I understand about the β€œwhat if I missed an urgent message,” too. (You probably have certain people in your phone with ring tones that play no matter what.... so you would know. I do, and yet I still have that same thought.) Thanks for admitting you get this and do reach for the phone. Restarting my analog morning writing is part of where I’m at.... and I think that’s a good thing. Thank you for reading and commenting.

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I struggle with it, but I keep trying. Something has to click sometime.

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