Amy I loved this post so much and I am coming back to comment- I feel pressured to make “substantive” comments that “count” on substack, I don’t know if that makes them harder or easier for you to read and respond to! I’ve given a critical look at my morning routines based on working through “the artist’s way” over the past couple months…
Amy I loved this post so much and I am coming back to comment- I feel pressured to make “substantive” comments that “count” on substack, I don’t know if that makes them harder or easier for you to read and respond to! I’ve given a critical look at my morning routines based on working through “the artist’s way” over the past couple months. I do the morning pages and I never, never, never thought that would be me, until I finally picked up that book! Thank you again for that book recco and for all you to keep up the dialog about our creativity and how we approach it in the context of our days/lives/worlds. I really wouldn’t be where I am now in my creative journey if it weren’t for your podcasts, substack, FB group, and everything else.
Oh, no! No pressure, Lauren. That’s a really interesting comment though about substack.... I’m hoping that’s an overall comment and not just something you feel reading mine? I am glad you are enjoying The Artist’s Way.... I didn’t read it, but I did do a group read earlier this year of one of her more recent books (all writes ups are here in the read along tab). The months when I was writing in the morning first thing were really important.... and I’m finding getting back to that is good for me, too. I really appreciate your words. You are making amazing art and seem very on top of things and good at keeping it all balanced. I really am grateful for your presence in my spaces.... all of the places we interact. Have a good hump day.
Amy I loved this post so much and I am coming back to comment- I feel pressured to make “substantive” comments that “count” on substack, I don’t know if that makes them harder or easier for you to read and respond to! I’ve given a critical look at my morning routines based on working through “the artist’s way” over the past couple months. I do the morning pages and I never, never, never thought that would be me, until I finally picked up that book! Thank you again for that book recco and for all you to keep up the dialog about our creativity and how we approach it in the context of our days/lives/worlds. I really wouldn’t be where I am now in my creative journey if it weren’t for your podcasts, substack, FB group, and everything else.
Oh, no! No pressure, Lauren. That’s a really interesting comment though about substack.... I’m hoping that’s an overall comment and not just something you feel reading mine? I am glad you are enjoying The Artist’s Way.... I didn’t read it, but I did do a group read earlier this year of one of her more recent books (all writes ups are here in the read along tab). The months when I was writing in the morning first thing were really important.... and I’m finding getting back to that is good for me, too. I really appreciate your words. You are making amazing art and seem very on top of things and good at keeping it all balanced. I really am grateful for your presence in my spaces.... all of the places we interact. Have a good hump day.