Thank you, Amy. Reading your essays is always a call to increased mindfulness for me. You're teaching me how to see more deeply, to dig a little more for feelings and insights in my own writing. And thank you for not disappearing in this time of grief. For showing up, even though. That's enormous.

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Thank you, Nan. I really appreciate your words — thank you for commenting on a post a bit on the edge.

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“The formula for doing a good job in photography is to think like a poet.”

Imogen Cunningham

This week was the first week in over a year that I did not open my journal. Can I blame ICAD? I do think that counts as daily art, even though I miss my daily drawing. Also, my heart is breaking in many places, and I’m scared to put it on paper.

In July I must pack my house up.

I wish there was something I could do to make you feel less alone. It’s a feeling I know all too well. I want to build a virtual bridge from me to you and be there. I know it’s not the same.

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Daily art is always good - any kind. Your ICAD series is wonderful. With so much change coming up, I hope you find your journal a helpful space, but it may simply be something that either served its purpose or that you return to. And that’s okay. I think there is value in putting things in words or on paper — Hopefully the move is going to work out the way you want and be good and a positive next stage. I’m sure it feels like a mountain between now and then. Good to see you today.

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You're right. There is no single way. Whether it belongs here or not (talk about vulnerability) I'll go on record in acknowledgement of likely being one of those people who offers unsolicited advice. True or not, there's no need to respond to that thought. Just know that I appreciate the reminder to pay more attention to that.

Thank you for your honesty, Amy, and for sharing from the heart. The photos are a study in contrasts, bright brights and dark darknesses.

My project for July is staying centered and trying to maintain balance as I start a new job. It's hard to be all of me when the better part of my waking hours are spent meeting goals that come from external sources.

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A new job! I hope it is a change you are excited about. I am sure a lot of emotions might come into play. I will be wishing you much luck from afar. And thank you for reading - and for commenting - and for being insightful.

I am left realizing today’s post may have been more risky than I realized. I am grateful for you and the others who left words in reply. It makes such a difference.

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Excited, yes, and also feeling some anxiety - naturally. Risk can turn out well sometimes, can't it? Thank you for the good wishes and the thoughtful post.

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So many powerful descriptions here, Amy. I’ve read through several times. The way you put words together draws me in and holds me there…makes me think about things, while at the same time just appreciating how you phrased your thoughts. And the way you consistently show up to do that…put words together and lines down on paper… I appreciate and admire that too.

This description was one that really stuck with me after reading this:

“I am simply mapping terrain, lining things up, gathering twigs, breadcrumbs, fallen leaves, and bits of glittering light, wrapping threads around milestones and random markers, measuring distances, pondering shortcuts and off-roads, and moving farther and farther into the unknown.

If there are birds, I make a note.”

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