Your calm, peaceful voice was just what I needed with my coffee this morning. I’m feeling stretched, behind and scattered.

Looking at my view, I see a bright orange and yellow canna lily blooming in a sea of green. After reading your post, I feel like it’s a metaphor. I could continue to be like a moth, flapping wildly around the flame, getting nowhere, getting burned or I can limit my thoughts, make a list, focus, slow down and come out on the other side into a peaceful light.

I know which I choose.

Thank you as always for your words and have an amazing day!

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Thank you. Thank you for reading and for taking time to comment and share this moment of looking out the window..... a powerful metaphor you saw there in that lily..... It sounds beautiful, too, and I hope you also drew or painted it! I hope you enjoy balance this week.

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I agree some much on the power of limiting. Sometimes just having enough - supplies, rules, limits makes it so much easier to create. I have been trying to limit the tools I use everyday so there is lower barrier to entry. It’s helping.

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It is almost counter-intuitive at times, right? But sometimes, limiting opens things up. I love hearing that you are working with systems like this to help streamline your creative work. Have a great week!

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Yes, on one end I feel like perhaps I need more to be able make better work! But often, I make my best work when I don’t have all my supplies/when there is a set direction or rule. It is funny!

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