Happy birthday week!

I always try to downplay my birthday, partly because I have mixed feelings about the attention, partly because I’m afraid of being disappointed.

I am really glad you are here.

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I understand that mindset. That's pretty much my approach -- but I've learned the value of being proactive, too. -- Unrelated, but I know this is a really hard week for you -- I hope you are okay.

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Hi Amy, I am glad you had a good birthday. I enjoyed your post and reading about the birds you see. About the crow. Week 22 I drew a crow because it was visiting our garden and soaking things in the bird bath. I got curious about crows and came across an article of Richard Wagamese about crows , the meaning for him and in his culture and it included a lovely old story about the crow wondering about his role and purpose. I link it here for if you are interested. https://www.yukon-news.com/letters-opinions/more-than-ever-slow-down-and-listen/

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Thank you for sharing that piece, Marianne. That's a really wonderful story -- and perspective on the crow.

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Good morning Amy, Some excellent thoughts on your “blog” this morning. Birthdays are definitely tricky. They’ve been such a big deal all of our lives - we’ve been set up, really, to feel a bit empty or disappointed if they don’t come off the way we’d hoped. (Mine being so near Christmas - well - I’ve always tried very hard to downplay it because it’s such a busy/hectic time of year for everyone. I’m rather enjoying just a birthday walk with a friend, tea on the bikepath...SIMPLE pleasures) All of the things you did and noticed were perfect! My life-long friend, Susie Wong, who lives on Ulloa and walks dogs for a nearby shelter, has befriended a crow that pops up whenever she’s walking and follows her (with a dog!!) along her walk. I believe she’s named the crow Bradley! May you find / create joy in every day this 2nd half of 2023.

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I love this story of your friend and her crow, Carol!

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Happy birthday 🥳 Glad to see you were able to take some time for yourself and also lemon curd! Yay!

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:) Thank you!

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Happy Birthday, Amy! I'm glad it turned out to be a good day. 😀

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Very good. Thanks so much.

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Um, what is TL;DR?

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TL;DR is commonly used these days as a "here's the concise summary .... if you don't want to read the whole thing" -- it stands for "too long; didn't read" ---> it's what we, as writers, hope doesn't happen. But there is a reality to the fact that people read less and less, skim more and more, and so on.

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Short-circuit reader burnout by paring adjectives, phrases that trip too easily off the keyboard, useless adverbs (“kneel,” not “kneel down”) and roundabout words like “seems” and “sort of.”

Seek out fresh synonyms, and strive to end each sentence with a strong, concrete word or image.

Above all else, avoid diarrhea of the cursor. Write lean.

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