Good morning Amy. I’m #272 of 44 copies for the audio of Tom Lake. Had no idea Meryl Streep was the reader. Whoopie! (So enjoy Tom Hanks reading The Dutch House!) Very sweet story of your walk in the sand with M. He acted as your cheerleader, no doubt. You eventually gained footing and voila!
Good morning Amy. I’m #272 of 44 copies for the audio of Tom Lake. Had no idea Meryl Streep was the reader. Whoopie! (So enjoy Tom Hanks reading The Dutch House!) Very sweet story of your walk in the sand with M. He acted as your cheerleader, no doubt. You eventually gained footing and voila!
Good morning Amy. I’m #272 of 44 copies for the audio of Tom Lake. Had no idea Meryl Streep was the reader. Whoopie! (So enjoy Tom Hanks reading The Dutch House!) Very sweet story of your walk in the sand with M. He acted as your cheerleader, no doubt. You eventually gained footing and voila!
Glad you are in the hold queue! Not sure how much cheerleading was happening. Lol. Good thing I made it up. Hah!