Your year ends look amazing! I could feel myself push back against the idea as I was reading, which clearly means I should try it. Do you still do yours in your journal, or on proloquo?

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I am sure you would do a beautiful job with it - and maybe find it interesting to see how much you actually did. I guess I don’t understand why you would feel push-back, but I always know that not everything is for everyone. In this case, it’s simply a way of doing a year-end wrap-up in a visual format.... and I find that enjoyable. I don’t know what prologuo is (I googled quickly.... and I guess it’s an app, but I’ve never heard of it). I’ve always done these on paper in the past. I’ve considered this year doing it as a digital sketchnote since I have an iPad now, but I’m not sure. Digital would be easier to fit in since my timing is complicated, but I might just do it in my journal. I made a quick list yesterday, so I know the small pool of things I need to include. Maybe you’ll give it a try. You did a lot of challenges. I know that. Maybe just make a list in your journal spread this week of projects and challenges from 2023.

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Sorry, I meant procreate!

I am actually being wimpy about it. I don’t want to look back and remember what has happened. Those feelings need to stay in their box. 😆

I’m still going to try though!

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