I've been so busy this week, I haven't had a chance to comment until now. I've kept up my morning pages, artist dates, and walks, but the quota is too much for me so I gave up on that. I don't feel bad about it since writing isn't really what I'm hoping to get from this.

The morning routine feels transformative for me, and if I take away nothing else, I'll feel successful. I wrote this in my morning pages today about this new routine and I wanted to share it. I know, the pages are supposed to be private, but I'm a rule breaker. 😄

"It's nice to take quiet time for myself before anything else. I need that. I enjoy it. It helps me to find myself first instead of just floating away into everything else I have to do. I can let my found self take the lead and not just go through the motions of this task, then the next, and the next. "

Anyway, that felt like a big moment for me in this process.

I hope you all had a great week. Amy, thanks again for leading this process and for sharing your experiences with ask of us.

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I had a hard time with that week. I've been horribly sick (still), and I just can't keep up with anything. I did read the chapter, and my inner editor was frustrated with it. Lol. The repetition drove me crazy. But I did appreciate the idea of laying the track. I realize that I did that a lot, unconsciously, when I was writing a serial story for a mythology blog. I'd write something and not really know why. I'd add a certain passage, but then later, I had it as a bread crumb to build upon. I started to really trust that inner voice, and it was great at the time. I'd really love to get back in that zone.

I did do several rounds of morning pages. I also took a couple of hours on a day I was feeling quasi-okay, and I went on an artist date (of sorts). I volunteered to man a table at a local festival (letterpress, printmaking, and book arts). I helped people to fold/create a one-page zine, and it was a lot of fun and inspiring.

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