Apr 30, 2023Liked by Amy Cowen

This week went pretty well with the core practices.

Still on the alert for synchronicity.

The tasks didn’t resonate for me this week so I skipped them. However, I have been thinking a lot about fear, doubt, competition, and interaction with people and how everything relates and influences my work, life and decisions. Between all the opinions of others (real or imagined) and feelings they evoke, it is often hard to find your true self and make the decisions and take the path that feels right for you. Being aware of it, think and write about it helps. It helps me also to be more gentle with myself, not immediately judge myself or others when I make a decision based on fear, and it helps to recognize the moments I am brave.

I wrote affirmations in the past but it felt a bit like fooling myself; there was a loud protest from my inner critics going on then. However, I am looking into it again and read some more about it. I like the idea of training yourself to look at something in a more positive way and I could see how affirmations can help with that.

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My core practices went well, and I still enjoy the routine of morning pages. Still no promotion or raise. I think my handwriting is too messy and the universe can't read it? 😀

I struggled to get through this chapter - the doubt, fear, competition, felt like a rehash of the inner critic. I wasn't able to really find anything here that felt helpful to me personally. Crazy-makers and external negativity is very important to recognize and weed out of your life, but this was a big part of The Artist's Way so this wasn't new to me. I'm a huge believer in affirmations, though. I think they can be a really great tool for changing the way we talk to ourselves. I want a fan of her specific affirmations, but in general, I love them and use them regularly in my journal and just in my daily life.

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It’s helpful to think through the impact of mood and competition on writing/creating (or using mood as an excuse to avoid creativity). This is a good reminder to press on with creative practices in spite of moods and/or being fueled by a current mood.

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I regret my negative comments about chapter 3. This chapter had plenty of great material. It took me awhile to understand what Cameron meant about a U-turn. Ah! Quilting. Writing. Writing. Quilting. I gave up writing in about 2017 to quilt. I gave up quilting last November to write. I want to do some quilting… working on how to do that.

Amy, your suggestions for additional work are great! I wish I had more time to pursue them. As it is, I’m having trouble keeping up with the reading.

I still do a MP a day, but I’m going back to how I did them years ago. Instead of downloading my experiences and emotions, I do some word association, and an entire story pops out in 20 minutes. I have a bunch of these stories ready to post to my other Substack, Fables and Legends. But ….I'm afraid. Afraid they are not good enough, that they are too offbeat, that someone will appropriate them, that they will somehow not be mine once they are out there.

Thank you again for leading this effort and for being so forthright with your own issues. I appreciate all the comments!

I’m not getting notices anymore of new postings and comments. Is there somewhere I can sign up for those again?

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