white rabbits and tea parties by the light of the moon: potions and notions, black cats and brooms…
i love the halloween season, the magic and mystery of it, the possibility of a thin veil between worlds.
i have not necessarily loved encounters with people in costume, though, and i have a really bad memory of one childhood all hallows eve.
but this does sound like a spot of fun and i think i have three months of postcards in me. i know exactly where i will send at least one card - and perhaps all three.
white rabbits and tea parties by the light of the moon: potions and notions, black cats and brooms…
i love the halloween season, the magic and mystery of it, the possibility of a thin veil between worlds.
i have not necessarily loved encounters with people in costume, though, and i have a really bad memory of one childhood all hallows eve.
but this does sound like a spot of fun and i think i have three months of postcards in me. i know exactly where i will send at least one card - and perhaps all three.
and oh! a song…donovan’s ‘season of the witch’ - ‘tis the season for all good witches to get out and vote
Nice cadence to your rhyme :)
I'm sorry this brings up bad memories. You could skip the costume and focus on the imagery in your opening line!
Yes to three months! I love that you know exactly who you will mail to. That's wonderful.