
You all are awesome for playing along. Here’s the “word” list to help decipher the comments!

Tea party if you know exactly who you will send your postcards to

Ghost if you have a costume in mind; Snoopy if you don’t

Witch if Halloween is a favorite time for you

Moon if you’ll play along at least through the end of the year

Song pick for October

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In October, witches dance under the autumn moon. How did snoopy get invited to this revel?

I would love to have someone join me for a tea party, if anyone is free.

My October song is a gem from the 80’s. Everyday is Halloween, by Ministry.


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Wonderful - and thanks for setting the stage with the encoded reply. Such a delight. I am glad this idea strikes the right chord for you — it’s easier than zines ;) (although your October zine will be wonderful, I know). I have the sense that you have a wealth of costume stories to choose from. Good to see you today — and thank you for being here to read even before that. I really appreciate it.

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I am FREE!

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No coding here. 😁

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I was really in to post crossing for awhile until I realized noone actually wanted to be penpals. People just wanted to send and receive random postcards. I was in it for oenpal opportunities. Anyway, happy to be your penpal!

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A great song and a great video! The 80's were the best ! 😍

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Since I host the DIY Postcard Swap on my blog twice every year (with the next one coming up in October!) I'm drawn to read anything on postcards, so thank you for sharing this now! So yummy!

I will consider the prompt, even though I have no idea what to do with it since I never dress up in costumes. It's a tough one.



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Wow, this must keep you busy just trying to organize it all. I checked it out! Looks like fun. You are booked well ahead.

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Thank you for sharing the info for the DIY Postcard Swap. You must have accumulated hundreds of postcards at this point from the years doing this!

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29Liked by Amy Cowen

The Post Card challenge is enticing. I am torn. I like receiving postcards but I always wish they were protected by an envelope. When they arrive much of the writing has been obliterated by post office stamps or rain or coffee stains etc. I will probably put mine in envelopes anyway….

I must be old fashioned but I also like to know if the recipients recieved the post card or cards. I have for grandkids and like to send them cards once a month. Always cards I draw. I half hope they might be inspired to draw something back to me.

Amy I love your postcards of your son’s incredible art. Your sunglass wearing postcards are amazing! And inspiring.

Stamps are an issue here…the cost and I am always misplacing them. Recently I remember telling myself don't forget where you put these this time. I did forget and am searching all over my little place. Belated cards will be even later.

I often make cards from my past ICAD challenges. I am not attached to the piles or order. I’d rather let them go out into the world.

I am going to go search out my doodled fake pumpkins from last year. I had fun with those. And the spidery wreath I made.

My friend’s partner of 25 years died 4 months ago. She sleeps with his fleece vest beside her on the bed. She often wears it as it still has his scent. Occasionally she is smiling again. She has put a cheerful fall orange wreath on her door. That made me smile. And one morning last week she knocked and happily handed me a slice of pumpkin bread. She had been at Starbucks she said and she thought of me.

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I understand worrying about how cards may be lost or mangled in the process. It is part of what they are though…and amazing, really, that they can and do make it through. Do you ask your grandkids to send you a drawing in return? I think sometimes that we just have to be much more up-front about what we want rather than “hoping” and being disappointed when it doesn’t happen. It’s really special that you send them your art each month. I hope as they get old enough, they do start to at least write back, but I know that may be a thing of the past. That was a lovely gesture from your friend. I hope you enjoyed the pumpkin bread! Have you ever considered dropping mail art in the boxes of others who live in your building?

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29Liked by Amy Cowen

Tea party, witch, moon….speaking of Halloween and costume I was about to seal this in an envelope to mail. A postcard size portrait I did of youngest grandchild with butterfly wings and a crown. And I found my stamps! They were in my address book. How logical!.

My address book is getting thinner as people pass away or don’t share their address when they move. I used to write so many change of address post cards. Guess it’s another old fashion thing to do.

Trying to keep the address book up todate for when I die and my kids might want to inform some of my friends. LOL thinking ahead….

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That sounds like a fun card, Gail, and how timely! I think address books continue to thin as people move most communications online. It may seem sad, but it does simplify some things…. But most people learn (pretty quickly) about the passing of someone from announcements on Facebook. Keeping up with your address book because you want to is one thing, but it probably isn’t something you have to really worry about “for” your kids. (Do people actually send letters to inform others? Maybe so, and it’s just never come up for me.) Thank you, as always, for reading and commenting.

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Sep 29Liked by Amy Cowen

It’s a hot bright September that still feels like high summer. I’m dreaming of a moonlit tea party: ghosts, faeries, and a mystical hare. A late witch rushing in with an armful of dried mums. I’ll be there shortly.


I adore post-cards. Your proposal instantly brought to mind artifacts from past lives; I can see the mailboxes, the senders. I also love series: I was thinking of a month of VOTE broadsides, but couldn’t afford the psychic energy in this perilous season. Finally, Dear Data! Sigh. I’m simultaneously inspired and daunted every time I pick it up.

But a postcard? Just one a month (for now)? And with just enough structure to focus me, without the itchy-prompty confinement of someone else’s storyline? Yes!

I’m in.

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Ahhhh….. I have to know where the hare came from. There was a rabbit in my head, so the hare jumps out …. Despite my lack of interest in Halloween… you’ve conjured a cast here that intrigues me, right down to the dried mums. Now. Dear Data…. I KNOW that Dear Data will come up in relation to one of the months in this next year for this project. I am a huge Dear Data fan. (I know you never knew podcast me, but it’s something I talked about for years. I just love it - and yet it’s very hard to conceptualize a way to do something similar that doesn’t feel derivative. They did such a stunning job. Tracking like that, with that degree of specificity, is also really hard. (We did some experiments in my facebook group at one point. Some kinds of tracking work really well…. Turning that into something visual…..such a great puzzle.) One a month… for now…. I took out a LOT of my post this week… but at one point, I thought of this as a slow burn (at one a month)…. And that can be hard because it is hard to keep people engaged. But maybe it has some advantages, too. Even this comment wouldn’t fit on a postcard ;)

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Big hearts to you Amy.

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Thank you for reading, Debbie - and for opening a door.

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I love having tea parties under a full moon. Maybe Snoopy will join me-

I love postcards - old and new, used or not. There is something very special about discovering postcards from the 1920’s-60’s that include someone else’s story on back. It sparks my imagination!

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Great to see you this morning, Debra. I love these cryptic lines from everyone - I will be interested to see what costume comes up for you. I agree about the nostalgia and the sense of story postcards can carry.

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I love this idea, Amy. May have to jump on board. And omg. Your son’s paintings! High school? Beautiful work. M

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Thank you, Nan. I hope you join in. Thank you for the kind words about Matthew’s paintings, too. I do think they are extraordinary, but it’s nice when others appreciate them as well.

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They’re stunning and very impressive. What an eye and talent. And, I just might join in!

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Sep 30Liked by Amy Cowen

Tea party ghost witch moon - now that would be a costume!!

I’m very excited about this new challenge.

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That would be a costume, indeed! But potentially a very cool one. Lol. This group would clearly have a very interesting tea party! I’m glad this challenge sounds interesting to you, too. It’s low-key - but so many options. Happy end of September to you.

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Amy, you know that I've enjoyed being part of your community as a reader and fellow thinker, but not as an illustrator. I'm tickled that this idea brings in my love of exchanging letters (well, snapshot letters, in this case) and of helping people be in contact with each other. Count me in with those having a party and serving tea. I'm definitely more of a ghost than a snoopy, though I'll have to give thought to which/what. Witch not because Halloween is a favorite time--I do enjoy it, but for 30 years have not lived where we get trick-or-treaters, so that takes some of the fun out of it for me--but because, well, witches are so excellent. Moons, too! Song: October (U2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW7YPIAbC2s

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Yes! I really hope this provides an easy monthly nudge that can take any form. I love your claiming of witch, too. It’s always fun to see how things play out and where those words go. Thanks for already playing along as we slide into another October.

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Sep 30Liked by Amy Cowen

I am going to do my best to play along with the postcard challenge. Monthly seems doable. October is usually a month of Gratitude for me but I’m hoping to use some of my photos to send friends a note that let them know I’m thinking of them as You are so right at mail being few & far between these days. I’m not sure what I will do for costume but I’m definitely in! Thank you for so many years of inspiration. Your art often reminds me to keep trying 🥰

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Great, Carolyn! (November is usually my big gratitude-focused month, so I think you'll find it comes into play next month.) But you can still do the Halloween prompt, if it interests you, AND express your gratitude and use your photos. No reason not to! Thank you so much for your kind words - and for reading and commenting!

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white rabbits and tea parties by the light of the moon: potions and notions, black cats and brooms…

i love the halloween season, the magic and mystery of it, the possibility of a thin veil between worlds.

i have not necessarily loved encounters with people in costume, though, and i have a really bad memory of one childhood all hallows eve.

but this does sound like a spot of fun and i think i have three months of postcards in me. i know exactly where i will send at least one card - and perhaps all three.

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and oh! a song…donovan’s ‘season of the witch’ - ‘tis the season for all good witches to get out and vote

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Nice cadence to your rhyme :)

I'm sorry this brings up bad memories. You could skip the costume and focus on the imagery in your opening line!

Yes to three months! I love that you know exactly who you will mail to. That's wonderful.

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Oooooh! I think I'm going to do this! I love postcards and almost always send some when I travel. I love getting them, too! Crafting my own will be fun (especially because it's only a once-a-month challenge, which feels very do-able).

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Wonderful! I am glad this sparked an interest, and that's good feedback about the frequency feeling doable. Thanks for reading, Linda!

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I'm going to have a tea party with my grandson!

I'm having a ghost of an idea about a plastic one piece costume with a molded plastic mask that I wore in the early 70's- does anyone else remember these?

I must be a witch because Halloween is my very favorite time of year !

I'm hoping to keep this up for 3 moons and beyond!

My current song obsession-How Glad I Am by the Greyboy Allstars ❤️


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Sending to/sharing with your grandson is a wonderful approach! I don't remember the costume.... although that kind of mask stirs something. I hope you have fun bringing that memory to the card! I love how many of you are really fans of this time of year!

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I definitely have memories of plastic masks with rubber bands to hold them on your head, and plastic costumes over the clothes. I have photos of me in Witch Hazel and Casper the Friendly Ghost costumes. I couldn’t see so well out of those, and it seems like they kinda poked you in the eyes a bit!

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What fun! I love postcards. Can't wait to create!

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Awesome, Mary! I know someone will be thrilled to see your art come through the mail!

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