Yes! The many possible permutations….. exactly that. We can look at exactly the same set of pieces (rocks, moments, stars) from an infinite number of angles and in an infinite array of connections, layers, and juxtapositions. I am grateful for the way you see to the heart of it. I truly don’t think there is ever a single right view. I th…
Yes! The many possible permutations….. exactly that. We can look at exactly the same set of pieces (rocks, moments, stars) from an infinite number of angles and in an infinite array of connections, layers, and juxtapositions. I am grateful for the way you see to the heart of it. I truly don’t think there is ever a single right view. I think the best we can do is “right now.” About wayfinding…. Yes. And yes. Inky artifacts. That’s a nice phrase, actually. I was trying to come up with a name today. I have an option with Ink in it….I’m a bit torn though. —- I feel your words on invisibility. The line about the chair and the books and the layers of time….I love that. And I’m just floored by what it was this time…. A moment of gathering shards of light…. A kaleidoscope spilled…. In those words? I feel like one of us has fallen through time, and I never know which! There are others? Yes… absolutely. Thank you, as always, for reading the words, as they are and in between.
Yes! The many possible permutations….. exactly that. We can look at exactly the same set of pieces (rocks, moments, stars) from an infinite number of angles and in an infinite array of connections, layers, and juxtapositions. I am grateful for the way you see to the heart of it. I truly don’t think there is ever a single right view. I think the best we can do is “right now.” About wayfinding…. Yes. And yes. Inky artifacts. That’s a nice phrase, actually. I was trying to come up with a name today. I have an option with Ink in it….I’m a bit torn though. —- I feel your words on invisibility. The line about the chair and the books and the layers of time….I love that. And I’m just floored by what it was this time…. A moment of gathering shards of light…. A kaleidoscope spilled…. In those words? I feel like one of us has fallen through time, and I never know which! There are others? Yes… absolutely. Thank you, as always, for reading the words, as they are and in between.